Global Coalition for Ethics and Human​ Values



About us

The establishment

after dialogues and consultative sessions with various institutions, thinkers, and academics, concluded on June 6, 2023, with the approval of the document 'Call for Noble Principles,' inviting all dignitaries and institutions to sign it. This led to the formation of a global ethical coalition labeled the 'Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values.' It was announced on July 9, 2023.


"The Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values is a consensus-based alliance comprising individuals, including thinkers, intellectuals, and academics, as well as moral figures such as associations, civil institutions, and governmental and non-governmental international and local organizations."

Framed references

The Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values launches its various plans, programs, and activities based on the foundational document, "Call of Nobility". This document is a reference that defines the coalition's philosophy, values, objectives, and frames various fields of work.

We can draw inspiration from the following three principles:

  • Humanity: This principle requires activating a human discourse that evokes individual characteristics and challenges without relying on any racial, sectarian, or political biases.
  • Comprehensiveness: By this, we mean turning our attention to ethics and human values in their entirety at various political, economic, social, and other levels, without restricting ourselves to individual and family values.
  • Responsibility: Our focus should be directed towards everyone, whether they are individuals, families, communities, organizations, or institutions.

The message

The Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values seeks to contribute to promoting dialogue, cooperation, and guiding efforts to overcome the ethical crisis, and collaborate in creative solutions and pathways for resolution

The Vision

The Coalition aspires to be a leading platform for initiating and implementing the discourse and program of human fraternity based on human nature and common humanity.

Values and Principles of Action

  • Commitment to the principles of brotherhood and human commonality in thought and behavior;  
  • Working with all those concerned with moral issues on the basis of nature and human commonality;  
  • Renewal, innovation, and effective communication;  
  • Balancing between observation and impact, and striving for efficiency and procedural effectiveness;  
  • Striving to overcome conflicts, build bridges of understanding and cooperation, and engage in constructive civilizational


The Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values aims to:

  • Contribute to building a moral system based on nature and overall ethical values;
  • Reinforce the values of freedom, dialogue, good neighborliness, acceptance of differences, and respect for cultural specificities in line with sound nature and rationality;
  • Embrace the principle of stability of values and ethics to ensure the safety of the individual, society, state, and humanity, and the continuity of the human species;
  • Promote global justice ensuring the right to the earth's resources for all its inhabitants.


To achieve the above-mentioned goals, the Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values resorts to: 

  • Conducting studies and research;; 
  • Organizing educational, scientific, and practical activities;; 
  •  Holding seminars, academic conferences, and training courses;; 
  •  Organizing camps and trips;; 
  •  Organizing awareness campaigns and artistic events;; 
  •  Working on producing intellectual and scientific output that reflects the philosophy of the call, including papers, electronic and audio-visual productions;;
    • As well as all legally permissible means;; 

Working methodology

  • Foundational: Establishing ethics and values that lead to building a moral framework to protect human societies from loss and extinction.
  • Awareness: Working to raise awareness among people and make them aware of the facts, and to form a correct understanding of the attacks on ethics and human values.
  • Educational: Working to disseminate a culture that enables the acquisition of moral ethics and values within the acquisition of sciences, knowledge, arts, and literature accumulated by humanity and civilizations.
  • Educational: Guidance for recognized morals to preserve the nature upon which human societies are built.
  • Fortification: Working to fortify individuals to acquire immunity against the moral diseases and temptations that seek to eliminate the ethics and values that have preserved the existence and continuity of humanity and societies.
  • Improvement: Working to improve the being and existence with the virtues of ethics and values, to enhance the conditions of people, and for societies and civilizations to develop for the better.
  • Membership: Membership in the "Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values" varies from individual membership to institutional non-governmental organizations, government organizations, and international organizations. Membership is granted to individuals or legal personalities after signing the "Noble Call" and accepting membership by filling out a questionnaire on the Coalition's website.


Membership in the "Global Coalition for Ethics and Human Values" varies, ranging from individual personalities to membership of non-governmental civil institutions, governmental organizations, and international organizations.

Membership is granted to active individuals, either self-acting or legal entities, after signing the " Call of Generosity" and accepting the membership request within the framework of filling out the questionnaire for information on the Coalition's website. 

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